With constant changes and improvements, WhatsApp has grown and been affirmed. Now it is getting ready for another novelty, which will allow all its users to change UI of the most used instant messaging application, of course, WhatsApp. The day many of us were waiting for is finally approaching: after years of asking the most used and the well-known instant messaging application, of course, WhatsApp to get the option of a dark mode to change the colors of the interface of the app and thus make the app more usable in environments lacking in illumination. As today only we able to know about this new feature that the most used and the well-known instant messaging application, of course, WhatsApp to get, and for we should thank WABetaInfo that the developer company, at last, is working on a dark subject that sooner or later will reach the most used messaging app on the planet, of course, WhatsApp. Although at the moment they have not shared any screenshots or information that specifies how the dark mode will be applied to WhatsApp, from WABetaInfo they have indicated that references to this option exist in the code of the latest versions of the app, and therefore its arrival should be imminent. Moreover, it is also a mystery if this dark mode will change the colors of the app to gray shades, or if it will be “OLED friendly” thanks to the use of completely black backgrounds.

WhatsApp’s Dark Mode

In recent months, several companies have implemented some kind of dark mode in some of its most popular applications. As the tech giant Google itself has been extending this option among some of its most famous tools for Android due to the arrival of the new Material Theme design lines, and everything points to other developers, in this case, the social network giant Facebook, will follow the same steps.

Be patient to see it out, hoping it will be FULL OLED friendly for Android phones, iPhone X and newer! — WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) September 14, 2019 Those users of alternative messaging apps such as Telegram can already enjoy a dark theme for months, although the most used and the well-known instant messaging application, of course, WhatsApp had remained rather uncertain about the possibility of incorporating personalization options in their app. Hence, now, luckily for all, the company behind the most popular and the most used instant messaging application, of course, WhatsApp seems to have changed its mind. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.