According to official data, the success of this smartphone is guaranteed after having sold one million units in just 22 days. The well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer, of course, OnePlus is already a recognized brand in the Android market for its excellent smartphones at competitive prices. Recently the well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer, of course, OnePlus just introduced its new flagship smartphone, of course, OnePlus 6, which maintains the bet on speed and performance started in its predecessors and now seeks to join other arguments. To do this, it uses one of the best processors on the market, the Snapdragon 845, associated with 6 or 8 GB of RAM and 64, 128 or 256 GB of internal storage. In addition, this device comes with a 6.28-inch screen with notch and a dual camera, with 16 and 20 MP sensors supported by optical video stabilization (OIS). Although OnePlus has seen a record increase in sales over the last few years, its strong commitment to this year is already beginning to bear fruit. According to the brand’s official data, the OnePlus 6 already sold one million units in a period of just 22 days after its launch, with the Silk White version already sold out shortly after it was put up for sale. With this new bet, the well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer, of course, OnePlus maintains its commitment to win more and more markets and users with a good value for money. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.